Tuesday 16 October 2012

                        Young Leader on the Spotlight:

                                                 Lindiwe Mazibuko


Lindiwe Mazibuko has recently made it onto my list of young leaders who are truly making a name for themselves on the political ground. She's young, beautiful and her intelligence is apparent.

The 32 year old is a Member of Parliament in Cape Town making her the fourth youngest political leader to get sworn in parliament at national level after the likes of Mduduzi Manana of the ANC, Luzelle Adams from COPE and her co worker Masizole Mnqasela from the DA. Not only was she sworn in as an official member of parliament but in 2011 she was elected as the Democratic Alliance Parliamentary leader beating Athol Trollip in the race.

Now one cannot deny that this young lady has done extremely well for herself in the political field, especially when comparing her age to her fellow members. I can imagine how intimidating it can be having to engage in political debates in full public view with parliament members twice your senior but she however still does it effectively and does not let her age or political experience get in the way of her work, duty to society and her organisation. I have had the privilege of witnessing this live when I was present in parliament last month during the "questions to the president debate", (I was in the observatory gallery of course).  She asked some pretty tough questions and was very firm in doing so but what I liked about her was that she did it in a tasteful and respectful way in which I really do commend her for that.

Politics (especially in this country) are never certain neither are they stable, so I wouldnt exactly say what I think the future holds for this dynamic young leader but we cannot deny that she is indeed making her mark and we should look out for her in the near future (amongst many other young dynamic leaders).

Disclaimer: Due to my neutral and objective nature as an aspiring journalist I do not support or have any affiliations with any political party.

Words = 318

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