Monday 15 October 2012

                                      Khanyi Dhlomo
As an aspiring journalist, Khanyi Dhlomo is definitely one of the people I look up to in the game; you ask why? Well I could always just give you a very sarcastic and phony response such as 'duh', but given how much I love and look up to her, I would gladly explain to you....
Look here; Khanyi is one who we as aspiring journalists look up and say "this chick has made it", and simply because she has. Her career kicked off at the age of 20 back in 1995. She was a journalism student at the University Witswaterstrand when she made history in South African media by becoming SA's first black news caster on SABC 1, in which was a very big deal given the political and social landscape at that time, and of course her age.....GUYS she was 20, I'm almost 20 but my big break seems no where in sight :(. Anyway it didnt stop there for her she was appointed as the editor of True Love Mag at just the age of 22 and mind you according to Forbes, True Love's circulation figures doubled during her first year of leadership and her time as the editor of True Love was rather very fruitful.

After her divorce in 2003 she headed to Paris for a "eat, love and pray" journey and while she was there she got the job of being South Africa's Tourism board manager. And also managed to do her MBA at Harvard Business School (I also wanna do my MBA :(...). She then came to South Africa and started Ndalo Media, her own media house, in which publishes Destiny Magazine and Destiny Man.

Need I say more.....

Words = 288

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