Monday 30 July 2012

                                My Own African Wedding Photography

This is a photo that I took at my sister's traditional Zulu wedding whereby I tried to emulate the likes of the well known photographer Emil Wessels. In this part of a Zulu traditional wedding called "uMhlabiso", for Zulu people it is not just a covenant between two people, but it is covenant between two families. This part of the wedding where by the two families exchange gifts in symbol of their covenant. I tried to emulate wedding photo's taken by Emil Wessels but instead I chose an African angle, something I relate better to; my culture.

                              Wedding Photography by Emil Wessels


I love this photo by Emil in which he took at a Wedding in Venice. This is a photo the Bride and Groom symbolizes love in its purest form, this is when two people express their love towards one another and the covenant that they are making. Nothing emulates this better than this picture by Emil Wessels. If one can look at the traditional symbolism of birds in the Middle East one will see that birds symbolize immortality so therefore one can interpret the birds in the background as the immortality of their love, their "everlasting love". I love love, and I love people who are in love.

                                            Emil Wessels

A man who developed the love for a camera when he first discovered the beauty and wonder in creating an image has established himself as well known photographer locally and internationally. The proudly South African photographer has a credible amount of experience in the South African Industry as he has worked as a photographer at the Airforce, he also worked as a photographer for the Beeld newspaper and held a position as the Chief photographer at the SABC for 15 years. Emil Wessels believes in the nurturing of talent as he says in one of his famous words that "talent does not always come naturally, but can be developed through hard worker". As a result he has studio in Linden and is Lecturer at the University of Johannesburg to help nurture the talent of other aspiring photographers.