Friday 24 August 2012

                      A Day in the Life of a UJ Student

This photo essay or story captures the life of an ordinary university student, it captures the simplicity of someone's day to day life. This is photography in its its simplest form, the kind of photography that is at the disposal of every layman photographer. This photo essay represents the art in everyday photography. There is nothing more interesting that capturing the everyday random happenings of an individual. It shows everyday life as it is through photography, it shows a sophisticated kind of simplicity where by the moments that often go unnoticed are the one's that matter the most. Everyday photo's have the amazing ability to store all kinds of memories and it is for that very same reason it is the most common type of photography.
This is the everyday life of a UJ student..........
                                                      As the early morning starts.....
                                               A girl's everyday dilemma; what to wear now??
As she enters the car......

She then drives off.......

                                                                   On the road....
Approaching campus....

                                                                UJ APK Campus.....
                                                                      In lecture...
                                                                  Lunch with friends....
                                                             Study session at the library...
                                                                After a long day.....                                                                             

Monday 6 August 2012

                                         Here I belong.....

 This is the place I call home, place where I feel most comfortable and the place where I express myself efficiently with ease. This is where my family resides, located in Nelspruit Mpumalanga. It is said that home is where your family is, here is where I have a sense of belonging, where I rest and gain peace of mind. Home is the place where I get to sit in silence and re-evaluate my life in the city and gain perspective. This is the place where I know I will find a confidante (My Mother), someone I can talk to. For me this is a place of love, peace, security and sanity. Everyone has a place they call home and this is mine....

Now this for me is the perfect scenery.......